Mica & Mica Colours

Mica & Mica Colours

Mica is a group of silicate minerals, known for its characteristic sheet-like structure, which gives it unique physical and chemical properties. Mica is composed of thin, flexible layers that can easily be split into thin sheets or flakes. These sheets are transparent to translucent, and they have a pearly luster.

Mica is a soft mineral, with a Mohs hardness of 2.5 to 3. It is also a relatively light mineral, with a specific gravity of 2.7 to 3.2. Mica is typically transparent to translucent, but it can also be opaque. The color of mica varies depending on the mineral species. Muscovite is typically colorless or white, while biotite is black or dark green. Phlogopite is brown or yellow, and lepidolite is pink or purple.


  • Insulation: Mica has excellent electrical and thermal insulation properties, which make it valuable in electrical equipment and systems.
  • Heat Resistance: Mica can withstand high temperatures without melting or losing its properties, making it suitable for use in thermal insulation and fireproofing applications.
  • Transparency: Muscovite mica, in particular, is transparent and has good optical clarity. It is sometimes used in windows, optical devices, and even as a substitute for glass in some applications.
  • Lubrication: Mica has a layered structure with low friction properties, making it useful as a dry lubricant in certain industrial processes.
  • Pigments: Mica can be ground into fine powders and used as pigments in various industries, including cosmetics, paints, and plastics.
  • Capacitors and electronics: Mica sheets can be used as dielectric materials in capacitors and as an insulating component in electronic devices.
  • Construction Materials: Mica flakes can be incorporated into various construction materials, such as paints, coatings, and concrete, to enhance their properties.

Mica Colours

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